Saturday, September 22, 2007

Second Life

Second Life

Have you ever thought of going back into your past and change your life? Have you ever wondered for a second chance? I am sure you would have. Do not be disappointed! Now, you can have your second chance. You can make a new start and a new ending in your life with - the second life! The magic of Internet brings you the editable life, the life of your dreams, the life of your passions, the life of infinite possibilities, the life of your second thoughts.

Second life is a virtual world. You can create your own 'Avatar' in the virtual world which represents you. You can then interact with other avatars in the second life. Unlike in the real world, you can alter your avatar according to your fancies. You can have macho body or an athletic body. You can be tall and slim or short and plump. You need not have to go through the costly plastic surgery to change your face, eyes, nose or anything you like. You can live the life of your imagination.

Second life closely mirrors the actual life on the earth. There are cities, roads and buildings in exactly same location as in the real earth. You can visit COEX in second life. Drink virtual coffee there and ofcourse pay for it in real money!!. You can also buy land in second life. Construct anything on the bought land. Maybe a dance club or a soccer club or an English club! Invite other avatars to your club. Dance with them. Play with them. Teach English to them. Just like the real world, you can build a community. Make new friends. Share your experiences and learn lot of new things from them.

One of the most useful aspects of Second Life is in distance education. There are many internationally acclaimed schools like Stanford, MIT etc., who have opened there schools in Second life. Avatars can register to theses classes (by paying real money) and get education and training from them. Why do you have to physically visit Canada or England to study English? All you need to do is to live in a second life.

Second life tries to bridge the real world experience with virtual world fantasies. Its a unique social experiment that tries to provide a second parallel life. It helps us to see the world with a different perspective. So anyone wanting to restart their life can freely log on to and have their second chances!

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